Part 8. Statistical Modeling/More purrr

Materials from class on Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Class Video


No slides this week.


Please fill out the following survey and we will discuss the results during the next lecture. All responses will be anonymous.

  • Clearest Point: What was the most clear part of the lecture?
  • Muddiest Point: What was the most unclear part of the lecture to you?
  • Anything Else: Is there something you’d like me to know?

Muddiest Points

I still find purr very confusing. But I am beginning to understand it more after using it on linear regression models

the nesting of tables and the following functions we applied still bends my mind a bit.

nest() and unnest() seem really really cool but I would be interested to learn a little bit more about how they’re used

purrr df/model tables. You say it’s a way to screen a lot of models, but it really seems like a way to apply one model to a bunch of dfs. Like, you’d need another dimension to test more models.

making/using list-columns

Thank you

While the nesting and un-nesting were more challenging topics, I thought the examples were great and I felt pretty good about everything by the end.

I thought that ggpairs was a cool function and would have been useful for the biostats project

Thanks for teaching cool stuff :)

Our Minds are Full

My brain is always so full by the end of the class that I forget what was fuzzy and what was clear.