
Function of the Week:floor_date()

Martin Arrigotti


In this document, I will introduce the floor_date() function and show what it’s for.

#load tidyverse up
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2     ✓ purrr   0.3.4
## ✓ tibble  3.0.4     ✓ dplyr   1.0.2
## ✓ tidyr   1.1.2     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr   1.4.0     ✓ forcats 0.5.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     date, intersect, setdiff, union
## Attaching package: 'janitor'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
penguins<- clean_names(penguins_raw)

What is it for?

floor_date() is a relatively simple function that allows you to round a date value into a specified time precision level (so long as the date value contains that level of precision). So if you have a date that gives you the value in seconds, but you only want the year, you can do use floor_date() for that.


# create a date variable with more than the desired level of specificity (I'll do the date and time of this class, with you being 21 seconds late)
# date is of the form  YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS
x <- as.POSIXct("2021-02-17 15:15:21",tz="PT")

# lets say we only want to know what day class is on
x_days <- floor_date(x,"days")
## [1] "2021-02-17"
#for our penguins dataset
floor_date(penguins$date_egg, "years")
##   [1] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
##   [6] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
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##  [36] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
##  [41] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
##  [46] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
##  [51] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
##  [56] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
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##  [76] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
##  [81] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
##  [86] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
##  [91] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
##  [96] "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01" "2008-01-01"
## [101] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01"
## [106] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01"
## [111] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01"
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## [146] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01"
## [151] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
## [156] "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01" "2007-01-01"
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## [341] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01" "2009-01-01"

Is it helpful?

with the statistical work I’ve done so far, I don’t have much use for this. That said, if you have a study with hundreds or thousands of data points that used a computer program to report the date an event happened (so would likely record down to seconds), and you wanted to know total person-years/days/unit-of-time observed, this would be a very handy tool for getting your data into a format that shows only the most necessary information.